This document has been created from the coaching staff of Upper Level Lacrosse to create an outline of steps we will be taking to ensure the safety of the players, parents and coaches. Upper Level has followed the guidance of US Lacrosse, The New Jersey Health Department and the CDC. The safety of all is paramount in our approach. We want to make sure we are all doing what is needed to properly and safely return to lacrosse.
We all recognize this is a very unique and difficult situation. We also realize that these young men have most likely had minimal contact with others their age in quite some time. They have also not had the chance to play a sport since early March so please make sure they are following these guidelines so we can do our part in keeping everyone safe.
If at any time you or your child are reluctant to play please stay home. Please communicate with a coach or director of Upper Level.
This document will include the following:
Safety Guidelines
Responsibilities and expectations of all stakeholders for Upper Level
Safety Guidelines:
The following guidelines are recommended by the CDC, US Lacrosse and the NJ Department of Health
Stay at home if you or any member of your immediate family are experiencing the following symptoms.
Symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure to the virus. People with these symptoms may have COVID-19:
Fever or chills
Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
Muscle or body aches
New loss of taste or smell
Sore throat
Congestion or runny nose
Nausea or vomiting
This list does not include all possible symptoms. CDC will continue to update this list as we learn more about COVID-19. You can go to for more symptoms
General guidelines from the CDC to help individuals prevent the spread of respiratory illnesses include:
Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
Stay home when you are sick.
Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using a regular household cleaning spray or wipe.
Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom; before eating; and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.
As it relates specifically to lacrosse, here are some additional recommended preventative measures:
Encourage anyone who is sick (players, coaches, officials, fans) to stay away from activities. Consider encouraging fans with medical conditions (i.e. heart or pulmonary conditions, diabetes) that may make them more at risk for COVID-19 to avoid mass gatherings.
Avoid handshakes in postgame handshake lines.
Use good hygiene practices with water bottles.
Properly clean and sanitize lacrosse equipment.
Bring hand sanitizer to events.
Arrive dressed and ready to practice/play
No sharing of equipment
Responsibilities of all stakeholders in Upper Level Lacrosse: These guidelines will be followed and will only be adjusted if the CDC, US Lacrosse, or the NJ department of Health change their guidelines. Coaches:
While in the first two weeks of practice they will assure social distancing rules are being followed. As of 7/6/20 we can have contact based on the State of NJ. We will continue to follow the guidance of the above mentioned departments.
They will monitor players and make sure they are not sharing lacrosse equipment
Contact parents immediately if player is feeling sick or if another member of the team has become sick
Communicate with the players and parents regarding any questions they may have regarding lacrosse or COIVD-19
Respect social distancing at all times, especially when there may be down time.
Get dressed and ready to play when leaving your car
Do not share equipment, water or food with others
On the sidelines maintain 6 feet of distance. This include your bags and equipment
No fist bumps, high fives, group celebrations, “breaking it down” in close proximity, etc.
No spitting
Wash or sanitize hands regularly. Please bring your own hand sanitizer
After practice sanitize all equipment
When practice is over walk directly to your car and vacate the area.
You are responsible to fill out the daily google form regarding your son's health. This includes a DAILY temperature test. Players will not be allowed to practice without it.
Parents will not be allowed on the field during a practice, you need to remain in your cars.
Make sure all players are dressed in the car and ready to practice right away
Please be in the parking lot when the practice ends to assure no standing around and congregating by the players
Make sure the boy's clothes and equipment is sanitized after every practice.
Notify the coach if a player becomes ill.
Make sure your son has an adequate amount of water.
Provide hand sanitizer for your son
Consistently review the expectations with the boys
Have the waiver signed and handed in before the first practice
Schedule: These dates are set by the state of New Jersey and are subject to change. We will closely monitor changes in the schedule.
6/8 - 6/21 - At home return to play individual workouts
6/22 - 7/5 - Team practices following the social distance rules. This includes individual skill work, conditioning and non contact drills,
7/6 - and beyond - Contact drills and competitions in New Jersey can occur